NO CHAIN 4: Tether


volume 4



    n the penultimate days of the world we know, when malls and steak houses became unsafe, when bars closed and schools closed, and we felt the lotus of human earth closing, we still found ways to gather.  

Along the ridge of my mountain neighborhood, everyone rallied at dinnertime to see and take pictures of the sky. It didn’t matter if the sunset was spectacular. There was always a deepening blue with a chance of magenta. And if anything, this was a way to watch the day pass, to know for sure that it was going somewhere. 

Meaningless or not, if I caught a glimpse of heaven, I think I’d take my camera out. 

All that can be deleted craves a gesture toward memory. 


Branches of a Fig Tree

                                                           Abby Berman

We are confronted constantly by the 

limitations of life

How sad to have only one choice; 

one path. 

How frustrating to see the possibilities 

of other roads,

of unblossomed love,

of unclimbed mountains,

of untouched desserts,

places I’ll never go

things I’ll never see,

memories I’ll never have,

people I’ll never know,

the lives in my mind that I’ve never lived.

And yet, when put in perspective,

understanding the significance of 

my choice—

this is the only life I would choose.

Unpacking the boxes in my mind,

sifting through it all, I still see you.

And the frustration goes away.

The Hanged Man

I am hanging from a hill 

like a balsa wood moon 

on an earring hook

sometimes I have to 

suspend disbelief 

and dip weary fingers 

into wet sky 

between the land 

and my mind, there are tendrils 

that tether and feed me

it is time to uncoil a few strands

near my temple, to weigh my hair 

with water and soften 

to gravity

who I am in a pool,

in a summer,

seems less immediate 

than all kinds of birds that

I don’t know the names of


Summer Notebook

brake light bleeding out into gloom

snuck up on me

it’s a morning like crepe paper 

on the canvas of summer 

I wrinkle the skin for a moment

then evaporate 

into its unforgiving 


I like poetry because it’s true—

the me writing now will disappear

and talk to tomorrow’s me

like a stomach ache, the pain will change 

and the monkey flower will spring up from the hills

then disappear into the summer dust

I think we only have once chance to remember this

instead of words, I’d like to send you a notebook slice 

with a hole cut out of its center like a dark moon

but I’d never send empty moons your way, even by mail

though you seem so good at being thrown a loop,

your slanted hand leans toward intimacy 

and snaps to grid 238,900 miles away

Swallow me, world. There is something ancient about us both. Even my attitude. Even this dark theatre where we sit helplessly and watch shadow game run in the Lascaux caves. There have been many times where I recognized you in the strokes of a day and spit you out like sour fruit. Now, all I can hear is our heartbeats and the white space of ghost herds stamping out any catch I thought was mine and mine alone.



a zine

volume 4


ft. Abby Berman 

ed. Annabelle Bonebrake

Summer 2022


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